
Hugo Multilingual Part 1: Content translation

Hugo handles multilingual perfectly from you content translation to your string localization, everything is simplified so coders and editors alike can focus on the rest.

In this first part, we’ll see how set up your multilingual Hugo project and translate your content!

Configuring our languages

When undertaking a multilingual project in Hugo, the first thing to do would be to tell Hugo what our supported languages are. For this project, we’ll have three:

  1. English 🇬🇧
  2. French 🇫🇷
  3. Spanish 🇪🇸

So we add the following params to our config file.

# config.yaml
    languageName: English
    weight: 1
    languageName: Français
    weight: 2
    languageName: Spanish
    weight: 3

Now, our languages will be available using site.Languages and sorted by Weight. The lower the… firster. As we’ll cover later, it is highly recommanded to make the default language come first.

Any custom parameter will be used when calling site.Params or .Param in place of the default site parameter. Se we never have to worry about which parameter to call!

Contrary to .Site which is a Page’s method, site is a global function which does not need a page…
# config.yaml
  description: Everything you need to know about the three languages.
  twitter_handle: 3Languages

    languageName: English
    weight: 1
    languageName: Français
    weight: 2
    description: Tous ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur les trois langues.
    twitter_handle: 3Languages_france
    languageName: Spanish
    weight: 3
    description: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los tres idiomas.
    twitter_handle: 3Languages_espana
<meta name="description" content="{{ .Param "description" }}">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="{{ .Param "twitter_handle" }}">

Translating our pages

To manage your translated content, Hugo offers two different ways. The first one implies including the language code in your content file’s as such: /content/about.fr.md. The second one implies creating your file inside a dedicated content directory as such: /content/french/about.md

We’ll take a deeper look at how each ways ensure two things :

  1. Each page is assigned a language.
  2. Each page is linked to its respective translations.

Managing translations by Filename 📄

Let’s take a look at our about page, and its translations.

	├── about.md
	├── about.es.md
	└── about.fr.md

Hugo will assign the French language to about.fr.md and the Spanish one to about.es.md . Easy guess!

Now what about about.md? Well this one, because it lacks any language code will be assigned the default language.

If DefaultContentLanguage is not set in your configuration file, the default language will always be English. So for example, if we needed Hugo to assign Spanish to about.md, we would have to make this language the default one by adding this line:

# config.yaml
DefaultContentLanguage: es

Managing translations by Directory 📁

It is also possible to assign a different content directory to each of your languages. There is two ways to proceed and we detail them below.

with contentDir

For most of the projects, we can simply include a contentDir parameter to our languages configuration

# config.yaml
    languageName: English
    weight: 1
    contentDir: content/english
    languageName: Français
    weight: 2
    contentDir: content/french
    languageName: Spanish
    weight: 3
    contentDir: content/spanish

With Hugo Module Mounts

For projects which are using Hugo Modules and mounts on the content files. The directory configuration will happen as a module mounts like so:

# config.yaml
    - source: content/english
      target: content
      lang: en
    - source: content/french
      target: content
      lang: fr
    - source: content/spanish
      target: content
      lang: es
    # Whatever other mount settings you initially had.
    - source: dist/documentation
      target: content
      lang: en

Note the critical mount’s lang parameter which must point to the language key as declared in the languages config.

Good! Either using contentDir or module mounts, our about pages content files should be structured like this:

    ├── english
    │   └── about.md
	├── french
	│   └── about.md
	└── spanish
	    └── about.md

Now, Hugo will assign a language to each of the about pages by looking at which directory they live in.

For each solution, the source or contentDir parameter takes a relative path to your project, or an absolute path. Using an absolute path means the content directories don’t necessarily need to live inside your project, they can be anywhere on your computer.

Linking our pages 🔗

Translation linking is important.

We usually want to advertise the available translations of a page to our users be it in the form of a language switch menu or some SEO meta tags.

We’ve seen how Hugo assign a language to a particular page, but how will it be able to link pages as translations of each other?

For both systems, Hugo will look at the filename and its location relative to its content directory. So depending on your translation management system, we can check those linkings:

By Filename
By Directory

Note that you can force a linking even if default linking factors don’t match. All you’d have to do is add to your pages a translationKey Front Matter param which share the same value.

# From all three pages: about.md, a-propos.fr.md, acerda.es.md
translationKey: about

Now, even though their names won’t match, Hugo will gladly link those pages for you.

Using linked translations in your template.

Now, how can we benefit from this linking in our template?

Hugo stores the linked translations in two Page variables:

  • .Translations, the linked pages.
  • .AllTranslations, the linked pages including the current one.

The collections are sorted by language Weight as defined in our configuration file.

So in order to build our alternate meta tags, we would just add this in our <head>:

{{ if .IsTranslated }}
	{{ range .Translations }}
	<link rel="alternate" hreflang="{{ .Language.Lang }}" href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Language.LanguageName }}">
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Some may argue the current translation should also be added as an alternate, in this case, we could use .AllTranslations.

This also works perfectly to build a language menu which will only show up if one or more translations are available.

{{ if .IsTranslated }}
	<nav class="LangNav">
	{{ range .Translations }}
		<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Language.LanguageName }}</a>
	{{ end}}
{{ end }}
The .Language object is available on every pages. Alongside the main language parameters it holds the custom ones assigned in your language configuration object, here our description and twitter handle.

Crossing the language barrier with .Sites

It is important to note that Hugo will build as many Sites as languages are set. And each of those are available through the .Sites Page property, or the global site.Sites one.

We just covered how you could find any translation of a page, but what about a random page from another language, like the french home for example? Well, we can use a typical range where on .Sites to isolate the french site like so.

{{ $frSite := false}}
{{ range where .Sites ".Language.Lang" "fr" }}
	{{ $frSite = . }}
{{ end }}
{{/* ⛑️ Safely wrap the result in a with clause and voilà: */}}
{{ with $frSite }}
	<a href="{{ .Home.RelPermalink }}">🏠 Accueil</a>
{{ end }}

Default at first Site

Often you will need to refer to your default language’s Site and for this, with the proper config, .Sites.First will be your go-to method.

.Sites.First returns the first Site. Note that this will not necessarily be your default language. Hugo’s first Site is any Site whose Language has the lower Weight value or in absence of any weight set, the one whose language code alphabetically comes first.

To rely on .Sites.First to fetch the default language, you should do what is expected on any Hugo Multilingual setup and previously mentionned:

  1. Set weights on all your languages.
  2. Make sure your default has the lower value.

Good! Now you’ll have the default language’s Site at .Sites.First

<a href="{{ .Sites.First.Home.RelPermalink }}">🏠 Default Home</a>
{{ with.Sites.First.GetPage "/in-construction" }}
	<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">🏗️ {{ .Title }}</a>
{{ end }}

Page Bundles

Not only does Hugo make it possible to share resources among translations, it also lets you localize a resource!

Let’s go back to our about pages and turn them into Bundles. For clarity we’ll use the “By Directory” management system.

    ├── english
    │   └── about
    │       ├── index.md
	│		└── header.jpg
	├── spanish
	│	└── about
	│		└── index.md
	└── french
	    └── about
	        └── index.md

For now, every pages share the same header.jpg, the one in the English translation. This has nothing to do with it being the default language though.

Hugo help save on duplicates here by making any ressource available to every linked translations. Meaning we can access this header image regardless of the current language using our favorite .Resources method, say .Resources.GetMatch "headers.jpg"

This is very convenient. But what if we want a header image better aligned with our Spanish audience. How to add a dedicated header.jpg for the Spanish page?

By doing exactly that!

  ├── english
  │   └── about
  │       ├── index.md
	│		└── header.jpg
	├── spanish
	│   └── about
	│       ├── index.md
	│		└── header.jpg ✨
	└── french
		└── about
			└── index.md

That’s it, when building the Spanish translation of the about page our .Resources method will return the Spanish bundle’s very own header.jpg.

Now what about the French? There is no header.jpg in that bundle, so which header will be returned for the french translation? The Spanish one? The English one?

Well here, Hugo will look at the languages respective Weight and return the winners’s file. If we look at our initial configuration file, the French should get the English header.

You should know that any file, content or not, can be renamed to match a language. For this Page Bundle localization, we chose to manage our translations by directory but had we chosen to manage them by filename, this is how our About page’s Bundle would have looked like:

	└── about
		├── index.md
		├── index.es.md
		├── index.fr.md
		├── header.jpg
		└── header.es.jpg
Because .GetMatch tests on a Resource’s .Title which defaults to its filename (language included), always try, with a By Filemane bundle, to make your resource call language-agnostic, like so: .Resources.GetMatch "header*.jpg"

Data Files

Contrary to pages resources, Data Files are not language aware. You must therefore create your own minimal solution to store and retrieve localized data files.

✋ Don’t fret, you’ll be set in minutes.

Consider the following structure for your data directories where en and fr are your website’s languages’ respective codes.

  ├── en
  │   └── team.yaml
  └── fr
      └── team.yaml

Now from your template:

{{ $data := index site.Data site.Language.Lang }}
{{ range $data.team }}
  <a href="{{ .url }}">{{ .name }}</a>
{{ end }}

We use the index function to find the directory in site.Data which corresponds to the current language’s code. Then we can use $data wherever needed in the template file.

You should really improve the above with the usual precautions and fallbacks (with, if etc…)

Setting our URLs

What about your pages’ URLs ?

By default, Hugo will store your default language pages at the root of your public directory and the other languages’ pages below their respective directories. It will generate their URL like any page using their filename.

So quiet logically our About pages would en up at:

  • about/index.html 🇬🇧
  • fr/about/index.html 🇫🇷
  • es/about/index.html 🇪🇸

That looks okay though I doubt the SEO team agrees. To make sure the pages’s url mathes their title, we have to update the slug param like the following:

# about.fr.md
title: À Propos
slug: a-propos
# acerda.es.md
title: Acerda
slug: acerda

Now we end up with the better looking:

  • fr/a-propos/index.html 🇫🇷 👌
  • es/acerda/index.html 🇪🇸 👌

We could have the default language also live below a directory by simply setting defaultContentLanguageInSubdirto true in our config.yaml

Conclusion 🏁

We covered the different ways you could manage the translation of your content in Hugo. In the second part of this series, we’ll see how easy it is, once you’ve translated your page, to do the same with your theme’s strings! In other words.


<a href="/about/" title="About Us">Read more!</a>


<a href="/a-propos/" title="À propos">En savoir plus!</a>

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